Shiro king under the mountain gloss
Shiro king under the mountain gloss

The hub here on reddit focuses on mostly indie makeup brands and indie perfumes/bath products, though other goods (nail polish/candles/jewelry/purses/clothes) are sometimes discussed as well. There have been several occasions where people have had to open paypal disputes to get their money back after a store went out of business unexpectedly. Many shop closings go poorly the owner usually becomes overwhelmed, stops communicating, and purchases often arrive late, or never arrive. Also, shops close down quite frequently, which is a bummer if you like a product, start using it regularly, then find you can no longer buy it. Some shops have had owners that take criticism poorly and harass people. There is also a certain.unreliability that can come with indies. Indies do come with downsides- the most common being long shipping and turnaround times, due to the small scale of the businesses. And in general, people like knowing that they are supporting a small business owner, instead of a corporation. Some brands are more affordable than drugstore cosmetics. In addition, the more prestigious indie brands have been reviewed favorably by Temptalia, a makeup review site that reviews a lot mid range and luxury mainstream brands. Do you want a perfume that smells like a hot computer? Like blood? You can find those in indies. Mainstream is just getting into duochrome pigments- indie has already been doing multichrome pigments, the next step up, for years. Even now, my most beautiful and unique eyeshadows and nail polishes are indie brands. Indies have a lot going for them while makeup companies have gotten more adventurous in the last few years, it used to be you could only find more outrageous colors/finishes/perfume scents in the indie world. The main community hub (or at least the main that I know of) is here on reddit, with facebook groups, review blogs, and forums on brand websites also playing a part. Indies are commonly sold on ebay, on etsy, on their own websites, or in some combo of those. mainstream brand, the main consensus is that an indie brand is run by one person, who makes and sells all the products either by themselves, or with the help of a small team. While there is some discussion about what constitutes an indie vs. The indie beauty community centers around small brands, usually sold online. Shoutout to /u/chazzyphant and their post on AlphaMusk, which made me remember this and inspired this writeup. The indie makeup world has its own scandals, though they are very different.

shiro king under the mountain gloss

Mainstream makeup is no stranger to scandal, as seen by the ongoing escapades of Jeffree Star, as well as the writeup on Bye Sister.

Shiro king under the mountain gloss