Gimpshop tutorials
Gimpshop tutorials

gimpshop tutorials

In this example, I will use the red background. Now that you have removed the background area of your photo, it’s time to create a new one. Your photo should looks like the following. Lastly, remove the background by clicking the Edit menu and select Clear. Once you selected the background area, add the alpha channel by clicking the Layer menu and select Transparency –> Add Alpha Channel. I also use the additional selection tool, Scissor Select Tool, in this example to select the shadow area. This type of selection tool will select areas based on color similarity.

gimpshop tutorials

If your photo is a passport photo (like the example above) which typically has a flat background color, you can use Fuzzy Select Tool. The tool you are going to need can be vary depends on the background composition. Once you loaded the photo you want to change its background, the first thing you need to do is to select the background area. Step 1: select the background area and make is transparent Following is the photo I want to take as the example in this tutorial. On this example, I am going to two selection tools: Fuzzy Select Tool and Scissors Select Tool. GIMP has a several selection tools, you can choose the one best suited on the image you want to remove its background. To remove the background area, you need to select it first using the available selection tools and add alpha channel to the selected area. Once you did it, you can fill the transparent area with any image (or color) you want to change the background. You need to turn the background area to the transparent mode while retaining the base part. Each photographer might has different method to change the background color of the photo, but the key remains the same. There are many ways to achieve certain goal in image editing. Want to change the background color of your photo? You can do it easily with GIMP.

Gimpshop tutorials