If you don not like DL and don't spend hours in it you will not be able to use it at all).

This is an even greater DISAPPOINTMENT! We got: - 2 more weapons + a shield (which is useless if you do not upgrade your survival skill, which can only be leveled up in DYING LIGHT and not during HELLRAID. They promised frequent updates and additional content, so I waited for their first addition "LORD HECTOR'S DEMISE". it's one dungeon run that takes between 30 -60 mins - dungeon layout and enemy placements are always the same - DYING LIGHT gameplay does not fit with HELLRAID OK, we'll give them a chance. What we got is rather pathetic: - graphics don't look nearly as good as in the demo/trailer. Wait what? Yeah, a stripped down version of what it should have been. 2020 they announced HELLRAID would be coming out! Horray! As DLC for Dying Light. Then it got shelved in favor for DYING LIGHT (jeez thanks, just what we need, another zombie shooter). 2014 trailers/demos looked very promising. 2014 This is not what we waited for all these years! HELLRAID was supposed to be a standalone game for the fans of WITCHAVEN and HEXEN. This is not what we waited for all these years! HELLRAID was supposed to be a standalone game for the fans of WITCHAVEN and HEXEN.